A Thanksgiving Message: The Helping Hand

The Helping Hand

What are you most thankful for? This is often the time of year when we try to disconnect from our busy lives, reconnect with family and friends and reflect on our many blessings. One touching anecdote from a child helps remind us what is meaningful and what we should be truly thankful for.

As Thanksgiving day approached, a young teacher stood in front of her small classroom and asked them to draw a picture of what they were thankful for. As expected, many drew colorful turkeys or tables filled with food, abundant with delicious desserts.  But one little boy that was essentially the teacher’s shadow, had a drawing that made the classroom pause. Not because it was magnificent or grand in stature but because it was unexpected.

It was a drawing of a hand.

The class was intrigued and discussions started right away as to what they thought the hand represented.

“I think it is a hand that brings us food,” said one classmate.

“I think it’s a farmer,” said someone else, “they grow the turkeys.”

“It looks more like a policeman, and they protect us.”

The teacher was pleased with the active class participation but it was at this point she turned to the shy, young child and asked, “Whose hand did you draw?”

The timid, young boy mumbled, “It’s yours, Teacher.”

Upon hearing this, the teacher recalled she had often held the little boy’s hand going to and from class or when going out to recess as the school bell rang. But she paused. She never knew it meant so much to the quiet, bashful boy that was her shadow.

What a perfect message to share this week. It is often the small, thoughtful, kind and helpful acts that tend to be remembered and are most meaningful. Evoking thankfulness in others does not have to cost a lot. It doesn’t have to be grand. It is not achieved through material things. It is achieved through the small ways that we give to others.

So this holiday season, as we seek ways to help others, reflect on the story of this insightful, shy little boy and remember, “Be the helping hand.”

Poretta & Orr wishes you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving!

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